Safety Squat Bar
Training with the Armortech Olympic Safety Squat bar, shifts the weight distribution to focus the resistance/load on your anterior chain, so the weight distribution falls between the front squat and the high-bar back squat. Dont think this is going to make your squats any easier. It only gives you variety and strengthens muscles that normally would not be triggered as much during a traditional back squat.
The unique design of the Olympic Safety Squat Bar allows the bar to be positioned lower down on the back/shoulders. This lower position of the bar forces the squatter into a more upright posture through out the entire lift. ahelp to eliminate the bending at the waist through the lift. The Armortech Safety Squat Bar weighs in at 20kg with a 28mm diameter and is made of a solid steel shaft. It is a fully welded design, 2130mm in length and rated to 1000lb (450kg). The bar is padded with a heavy-duty foam rollers and added protection.
- Weight: 20kg
- 28mm diameter formed solid steel shaft.
- Over-all length: 2130mm.
- Olympic size sleeves.
- Rubber handles with 3 foam shoulder/back pads.
- Weight rated to 450kg.
- Commercial grade.